Not true. Check my other comment on this thread where I talked about my experience with 3rd party USB-C cables
Not true. Check my other comment on this thread where I talked about my experience with 3rd party USB-C cables
Sure, but whether they were forced to move over or did it out of the (non-existent) goodwill of their hearts wasn’t the point of contention in the discussion and results in a similar outcome. The initial commenter pointed out that they couldn’t share a charger and I just mentioned that this should be a non-issue once lightning is phased out.
Gotcha. It could be entirely possible that the anecdotal experiences regarding phone data that you’ve heard could be simply because they’re heavier users or that they purchased a smaller quota. From personal experience, I really have not noticed any background processes that suck up data.
Regarding the type-C cable though, I have actually experienced that problem where cheaper cables do not work for charging. This part is PURE SPECULATION on my end, but I suspect Apple stops cheaper cables from charging on the off chance that it increase the risk of a fire (cheap cables = thinner wires = more resistance = more heat) because when stuff like that makes the news, the headline is typically “iPhone caught fire while charging” and not “Cheap cable caused a fire.” I spent a lil more on a third party USB-C cable that was higher quality and rated to charge up to 65W and have had no problems with it. I’m not sure what the economic situation is in Latin America, but where I am (Malaysia), I spent about RM60 (which is roughly equivalent to $13) on the cable that worked compared to RM20 for the cable that didn’t, just to give you a point of reference.
The first paragraph, I can get along with and understand where you’re coming from.
The second paragraph, could you elaborate what you mean by “eat up your phone plan just by existing”? I personally use an iPhone and have had very normal data usage rates that is accurately tracked through both the phone and my carrier’s app.
Also regarding borrowing a charger, they just moved to USB-C so that will be a non-issue a few years down the road when lightning is phased out.
to answer your edit, yes all creatures started out as single celled-organisms many billions of years ago and gradually evolved. this process is still happening today but takes millions of years, not something you would observe in a human lifetime
indeed. completely forgot to mention him but I did a thing is also a very fun watch
stuff made here for some crazy projects and impressive engineering/software writing
j kenji lopez alt for very informative cooking videos
michael reeves for a crack cocaine version of stuff made here
how would i go about implementing these filters for ublock origin? is there a tutorial i could use?
+1 to this. if they’re giving you shit about what type of soup you eat the rest of the relationship is not gonna be very pleasant either
i second this. I’ve owned 2 so far, the 2017 model and the refreshed 2020 model. Both have had their share of overheating issues, awful audio drivers (baked in wavemaxx sound “enhancement” that cannot be removed), hardware issues, etc. Would not recommend. The only thing they have going for them is they look so damn good
technically all flip phones are foldable phones \o/
hello from penang o/
iirc correctly it’s a thought experiment where you have a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, full with an infinite number of guests. a bus comes along with an infinite number of guests, can the hotel accommodate them? the answer is always yes and simply depends on how you move the current guests around in the hotel. it gets pretty convoluted so check out the link for more info bc god knows i wouldn’t be able to relay it accurately's_paradox_of_the_Grand_Hotel
not op but personally i find the briefness and abruptness of “what” funnier especially coming after “quick question”
definitely watch it with them. just faking it will only get you so far before the act falls apart. it’ll also help you build your relationship with them if you show interest in picking up and learning stuff she likes IMO
figure out how far up before you stop washing your face