Credit card usually isn’t so bad. It’s usually pretty easy to dispute charges etc, debit card on the other hand…no way that’s getting saved
Credit card usually isn’t so bad. It’s usually pretty easy to dispute charges etc, debit card on the other hand…no way that’s getting saved
How does the math work out on that? I’m not quite sure what home prices are like in the UK, but let’s say you bought a house for 350k and paid cash. That leaves 400k. You retire at 30, and conservatively have 40 more years to live. That’s only 10k/year for the rest of your life. You still have expenses such as home insurance, car insurance, consumables, etc. Doesn’t seem like much. To be fair I’m also not factoring in any kind of pension or social security or anything like that.
Their Official website has easy to follow step-by-step instructions
You absolutely don’t need a pi to run pihole. They have a list of officially supported OSs that can run the software, regardless of the hardware (as long as it meets the insanely low system requirements), and it can also be run in a docker container.
Prodigy was my first experience, then we (parents) switched to AOL. Fondest memories are learning about AOL and IRC chat bots and getting into Linux
OP clearly states in the post they are using a modified APK to get premium access without paying
If you want to clear out any stopped containers, orphaned images, networks, etc run “docker system prune”
What I think is happening is there is a persistent volume mount that needs to be cleared out. If you’re using the docker run command with a -v flag, check the host path. It’s likely there are saved configurations you’re passing into the container.
I’m gonna disagree. Cheap nonstick pans are horrible and just contribute to unnecessary waste plus you have no idea what’s in that coating. Carbon steel or cast iron, when properly seasoned, are just as non stick as a “non stick” coated pan and will literally last forever. They’re also WAY more useful than a nonstick since you can use them with almost any heat source and any temperature.
There are tons of no-kneed bread recipes that are excellent. Depends on what type of bread you want to make. If you’re looking to make rustic type boules the no-need recipes work great. For other types of bread that require kneeling, a stand mixer is invaluable.
There’s a tool for making bootable windows USB drives called Rufus that gives you options to remove things like requiring a Windows account, TPM requirement for Windows 11, secure boot, etc when you’re cloning the iso to the USB drive.
Yep it’s not simple, but also not too difficult. Get a domain name and set up DNS. Open 80/443 on your router, use’s SWAG container for easy automatic cert generation/renewal and nginx reverse proxy to access your hosted services. Have a decent upload speed. That’s about it
This hits young me learning linux and dual booting straight in the feels. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I totally wrecked the family computer and had to reinstall windows from scratch.
Simple recipe formulas that are scalable
Simple recipes
Cooking skills. It’s so great to be able to make yourself a nice plate of food.
You really shouldn’t wash meat. It doesn’t serve any purpose except to possibly spread the bacteria that may be present to other places. Best thing to do is just cook it to proper temperature.
I do this all meats, especially skin-on chicken. Gets that perfect crispy skin every time
Can we take a minute to address portion sizes?