Excalidraw is nice. Also, I want to throw in a mention for mermaid.live (mermaid js). A little less flexiblity but it’s nice. There’s also kroki.io which hosts a lot of these types of apps.
Troll honeypot, apparently.
Suggested blocks:
Excalidraw is nice. Also, I want to throw in a mention for mermaid.live (mermaid js). A little less flexiblity but it’s nice. There’s also kroki.io which hosts a lot of these types of apps.
Or, you could just pick one computer, have it do the work and punish it by taking its money if it screws up (ETH).
But yeah you’re not wrong about minable coins.
Tech is hard, leaders aren’t always technical. AI is great at bullshitting, and it’s swooned many CEOs into thinking it will 10x (make them 10x more efficient than they previously were) existing employees / replace the need for programmers. Lots of leaders just look to what other leaders at companies are doing - some see what elon does at twitter as proof that downsizing drastically won’t kill your company.
Programming is like editing a book with many chapters. New developers need time to learn the story line of the book before they can begin editing anything. If the book has been around and edited continuously for over a decade, it’s going to take some time for those developers to understand the book well enough to start making meaningful contributions. Lots of these tech companies have multiple books each with many chapters, and one thing leadership either doesn’t realize or doesn’t seem to factor into the equation is that maintaining these books and all their story arcs and character development gets harder and harder over time. Truly in the tech industry, it’s more expensive to train a new hire than it is to promote an existing hire.
But again, leaders are listening to folks like elon musk…
That sounds triggered.
I love you.
Personal responsiblity
ESLint will hurt your feelings.
Anyway, I didn’t setup the tooling, and it can be configured to enforce code styles, as it does with each commit. It also enforces rules, but can enforce code style as well.
lots of languages have linters to enforce style. Examples are jslint/eslint phplint, etc…
So you’re saying I need a commerical display to display less commercials?
Yes! got any recommendations because people are searching for dumb tvs and can’t seem to find them anywhere.
That’s the great thing about AI, it’s like a human! Humans don’t need to work anymore because our computers speak like us now! It’s only ever really a problem if someone reads what AI wrote.
But if you don’t read it, wow, just look at the spacing, the typography, the paragraphs! the tokens words!
Shift-A <del></del>
Yes, exactly that. Ancaps live in a right-wing fantasy world, like the rest of the right.
We see you scrollin’
post the content you wish to see in this world
Fucker Carlston