Nice job! I started a top earlier this year and have managed not to kill it (this is my 3rd try). Hoping for a pineapple in a couple years. How long did yours take?
Nice job! I started a top earlier this year and have managed not to kill it (this is my 3rd try). Hoping for a pineapple in a couple years. How long did yours take?
FYI The original owners retired a few years ago and the brand is now owned by True Leaf market. I bought from them before the switch but not yet from the new site.
Oh, interesting. Never heard of calcium carbide. Thanks for the info!
I’m happy to let it take the time to get its strength, but I am curious about getting it to flower too. Im guessing lots of light and more phosphorus?
I’ve just started on this journey. After a few false starts that died, I finally got one to root well. The plant is about 8 months old now and looks pretty happy.
Thanks ❤️ My mom was the one with the green thumb. She had a backyard full of flowers, flowering shrubs and trees, but I did buy some of the same kinds for my own home to remind me of her.
It’s possible. In both my house and my mom’s, the plant was/is very close to a window, as close as possible. Mom’s was south facing, mine is west, but my window is twice as large as hers. (The top of both windows is about 1.5’ from the ceiling but the windowsill is higher on hers.)
I tried propogating cuttings from this one to give to my sister but stopped after 3 failures. I generally can keep plants alive but I think my green thumb consists entirely of stubbornness, not talent. I hope you’ll get yours going :)
One of the creepiest scares I got was going to a state park bathroom, pulling out a seat cover from the dispenser and having hundreds of earwigs coming out with it.
Thanks for the tips! I’ve read it typically takes 2-3 years - great to know about this calcium carbide.