i also have adhd…
uh im juan i made this for an event i couldnt participate in…for actual content go to https://ihatetehbsod.neocities.org
i also have adhd…
just like blaze storm, originated as a chinese nerf clone, became a blaster brand by itself
why tf did i firdt think “hey is that ram…i wonder what type…”, then “IS TJAT AN SSD???” and THEN realize what the shirt says???
everybody wants to rule the world in some way or another even if it means killing everyone else smh
just move here, here healthcare is public, you prepay it with your taxes so its free (you dont pay it twice: youre already paying for the public things whenever you buy something)
oh so is education (mostly (also here public schools tend to be better quality than private schools))
and this is the situation in most of the eu (in fact in most of the (non-english speaking) europe even if not in the eu iirc)
oh btw did you know the us technically meets all requirements to be considered a failed state? it isnt because bruh. currently its literally a superpower…yeah at least here you dont have to worry about being shooted (plus you can actually move around on foot here)
edit: if you ask how i know all this even though im only 14…i had to research this for a school project
thank god im spanish
it took me quite long to get my first ever game to work but it was worth it. i forgot to mention scratch there. i never really liked it but had to use it at school and that started everything…that first game was absolutely awful but i was just so damn proud of it being better than any of my classmates back in 2021, hehe.
then i started making weird quizzes with batch, until i got a c64 emulator and moved on to basic (no more having to deal with cmd going all “[string] Is NoT rEcOgNiZeD aS aN iNtErNaL oR eXtErNaL cOmMaNd, OpErAbLe PrOgRaM oR bAtCh FiLe11!!1!”)
im still very bad at coding but i dont care, i just do it for fun…nobodys gonna see my spaghetti anyways
i used to exploit that a lot
i should try that one out someday
ughhhhh yes this is so annoying (randompcb and me have become the classroom’s tech support ugh)
amateurs, i write my software with a magnetized needle and a steady hand
hell yea i always like making em >:D