I fucking wish. Why would they come though? We demonstrably suck. Project cats to the universe and maybe we can attract some nice folks.
They are trolls. They are not speaking in good faith. Is it true that people in your country can just change it as they like? The short response is fuck off.
About 220 users and a ton of communities, 2 instances. Mostly for posting nsfw shit (i have that turned off so it shouldn’t appear), being outrageously stupid or bigoted and sports/anime. No regrets, not bashful about it. Different opinions are fine but I don’t have time for the stupid and hateful kind.
I’m duly impressed that it lasts that long and at that rate the screen may be justified.
I have rechargeable vapes. I have never seen one with a screen and I am already annoyed by the the lights that they all have. I stopped using the one that vibrated because why the fuck would I want that? I just need a cheap nicotine delivery system and putting a screen on it is peak pointless tech imo.
The Oubliette reminds you that the web does not forget…
Yes, but the battery has a purpose, the screen is wholly unnecessary.
Why would a vape have a screen, that’s insane waste
This but without the ADHD to blame it on.
None of those things prevented rapists from entering bathrooms before.
Sad to say goodbye but she’ll live forever in her performances and she had a good life. Coolest cat ever.
Yep, gender wars bullshit
Pointless gendered questions.
I used to do this but I learned to sleepwalk. I got an evening job and no longer need an alarm.
Today google search turned on dark mode and trendimg searches against my will once again, makimg me google how to turn them off again.
It’s annoying.
I programmed my TI-83 with some basic maths programs but we all had to wipe the memory before exams. I still miss the tetris game i had on that thing :(
Get mental health treatment.
I got ublacklist and got rid of tiktok and instagram immediately but i still dislike the whole format. Tried a bunch of other search engines and they all seemed pretty similar.
I sit in the corner by myself on break and when assholes ask me why I respond with ‘it’s my break’.