So wait… Did Puppet have a license change as well recently? Is this just preemptive because it looks like Perforce is starting to change things?
So wait… Did Puppet have a license change as well recently? Is this just preemptive because it looks like Perforce is starting to change things?
The Free Software Foundation requires “CLAs” as well. I have no fear that they’re going to rug-pull. I don’t think we can use that as the indicator. IMO, it’s even a good idea to have a CLA so that’s no conflict that the project owns the code.
The warning for me is if the project is run by a company, especially a VC-backed company. Joplin isn’t, so I would be comfortable using it (although I don’t).
JIRA Data Center: What am I? Chopped liver‽
Agreed that JIRA is… not the greatest tool.
Ahh, the comment I was looking for
I would have also accepted: “Haskell did it first.”
X2go is the successor to NX and works well IMO, though I’ve never tried Rustdesk to compare.
This is interesting because I’ve been thinking about switching from Debian to Arch. I’m already running Nix inside of my Debian installation to get more recent apps (I don’t like how snap interacts with the rest of the system, so I avoid it if I can).
Is there anything else on a more base OS level (like apt v pacman) that you’ve noticed is different, if you’re willing to share?
I tried to switch to Tidal, but I found their app not as good, their integration with Sonos lacking, and no parental controls, which is important to me. Music selection was pretty good. A lot of niche stuff isn’t there, sadly. For example I sometimes listen to college acapella groups, and there just isn’t as much there. All the popular music is there though.
I mean, you got my upvote already, but one big reason is that Robertson wanted to control all the manufacturing of the screws and the bits. Phillips licensed his patent out and let anyone make them just taking a tiny licensing fee. Made a fortune on volume. Robertson: good engineer, bad businessman.
I don’t fully agree with these, but these are the cases I’ve heard of:
I think these are better served with extensions or specific browser protocols that communicate with native apps in order to keep the crazy web world more isolated from the high-value computer world, but what do I know? My guess is that someone at Google went “You know, we’re creating a lot of these specific protocols to communicate with webcams, printers, and now we want to do authentication dongles. You know what? They all use USB? Why don’t we just create a general way to access USB?”
In the immortal words of Dr. Ian Malcolm:
There’s the topic of this conversation, WebUSB. I happen to believe that a missing feature here for Firefox is a good thing, mind you…
I don’t frequent that world much these days, but I personally preferred the agent/pull model when I did. I can’t really articulate why, I think I feel comfortable knowing that the agent will run with the last known config on the machine, potentially correcting any misconfiguration even if the central host is down.
The big debate back in the day was Puppet vs. Chef (before Ansible/SaltStack). Puppet was more declarative, Chef more imperative.
I also admit, I don’t like YAML, other than for simple, mostly flat config and serializing.
I further admit that Ansible just has a bigger community these days, and that’s worth something. When I need to do a bit of CM these days, I use Ansible.