It’s exciting for someone. And it’s not the end user.
It’s exciting for someone. And it’s not the end user.
But Elon Musk and Andrew Tate have said it’s nonsense and that he’s a canny guy. I don’t know what to believe now!
2nd place in a competition of 30odd teams made up of the best players from each nation around the world.
We didn’t lose, we came 2nd. We should be damn proud of those women and the entire team behind them.
I am so sorry! It seems that my app’s darkmode doesn’t seem to distinguish between links and standard text very well.
Judging by the amount of upvotes my comment got and noone corrected me before you I assume this is a common issue (or my app is one of the more common ones).
The deal has changed. Pray I don’t change it again.
I don’t think I remember any progression of authoritative laws and policy passed by a previous government being rescinded by the incumbent party. Only democratically progressive ones.
For all the ‘tHe LaSt LaBoUr GoVt’ hand wringing that the Tory party has repeated ad nauseum they didn’t pull back the various laws that they passed during their tenure. New Labour were pretty infamous for the onslaught of CCTV and trying to push through things like citizen ID cards and such. Many of the current police overreach that they have been afforded has its roots back in the days of Blair and Brown.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I would rather them than this decade long clown show any day. For my money they did a hell of a lot more positive than bad, but to come back around on the original statement, how much of that positive and progressive social policy and schemes survive vs the shit stuff?
Common man, you can’t just come along and counter a claim with ‘no it’s not’ on a platform like this for a topic that isn’t so clearly common sense.
For anyone interested, further reading here: https://cemarking.net/chinese-export/
I wouldn’t say it’s always a BMW driver, but I would say of course it’s a BMW.
I don’t have anything technical to add to the discussion, I have absolutely no idea how Lemmy works, just that I despertately wanted somewhere else to go to that wasn’t Reddit.
Still not even sure I understand how any of it works, although I do understand why there are privacy concerns and concerns around ‘syncing’ changes etc.
What I do want to say is that analogies aren’t supposed to be taken too literally. That’s kind of the point of them. :)
I just couldn’t click with Hearthstone. Wanted a time killer that I could jump into for a quick game or two and just couldn’t figure out what was going on really.
Even at my lowly beginner level it seemed that everyone else knew what was going on and would ace me. And I was just left dumbfounded. Couldn’t figure out if it was just me not getting the game or a load of smurfs.
Also doesn’t help that there’s years and years of content to catch up on and anyone new is just in an ocean of it.
What are defining by ‘universal’ though? Universal across ALL humans? Well clearly no because there are tribes which have isolated traditions and beliefs surrounding particular things that we find revolting.
Even if there was something that EVERY group of humans found reprehensible, there are still going to be individuals that will do it.