I think it’s really cool how many different disciplines go into making a game.
I think it’s really cool how many different disciplines go into making a game.
Yeah, I don’t think many devs have ever worked in a kitchen.
Damn, I’m sorry about that. Some of my steam frens have said the same thing too. Idk what’s up with that. Maybe it’s my subtle, yet devastating comebacks: “Your depression doesn’t scare me” (they don’t know they’re depressed) and “Meow” (someone just called someone else a “Pussy”).
I’m also a big fan of the Mute button (which they recently added for the enemy team as well); it can make for an awkward game though, saving/healing someone that you muted. I haven’t used it recently though. >.>
I’ve had the opposite experiences with Deep Rock Galactic, I think mostly because there’s no enemy team, but I’ve also had good experiences with Deadlock (valves new moba). Of course there’s still toxic shitheads in Deadlock, but they are few. I think this is because of how bans work; you’ll still be able to play the game, but depending on why you were “banned” you won’t have certain features. Like if you were reported for abusive text or voice chat, you won’t be able to use text or voice chat, only the in-game pings (which are pretty good IMO). Similar with other reports, but they aren’t exactly relevant.
That makes sense now, and I’m slightly less perturbed; thank you. It’s just grifters grifting, as they do.
Why the fuck is there an anti-cheat in a single-player game? It’s baffling.
Rough. I wish they just… didn’t. Oh well.
To teabag those stupid sexy bugs. Also it can get weird down in the caves, imagine if we made it weirder. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
One of my least favourite things about DRG is the inability to crouch. ;-;
I feel that. I’ve been playing satisfactory since way before 1.0 released, and my head canon was “Boring Interplanetary Camp Job”. but when 1.0 came out suddenly I have to sAvE tHe WoRLd too. gah.
So obvious it made me laugh.
Not sure if this C is about the same thing, but there it is. Linux crack.
I doubt he knows what it is but at least one of his fascist collaborators probably do.
Because I still have to sing the alphabet which doesn’t always work.
That’s too bad. I wonder how long it will take for oHentai to pop up if these dipshits succeed?
Denuvo’s DRM is bad for games.
DRM is shite by itself as well.
you should organize documents into them instead of throwing them all in “Documents” library and just using search.
You probably had to be using a Smart™ TV so they could steal your personal data.
Someone hid the sharpies from them.