The drives in the zpool, are they SMR drives? Slow write speed and disks dropping out are a symptom of I remember correctly
The drives in the zpool, are they SMR drives? Slow write speed and disks dropping out are a symptom of I remember correctly
It is a great game, wish the 2 player co-op was more like Pikmin 3 Deluxe though.
PS. Also that drawing’s awesome 😎
Keep it simple, use Miniflux
It’d be fantastic to get some drink brewing hardware together that actually supports this standard, that’d be the real icing on the cake. Are you aware of any people putting something together?
Nah, thanks but I think I’ve got a handle on the options, my original reply was more a tongue-in-cheek “cries in brick wall” type thing. I mean it has its positives, I could hang a wall mounted rack anywhere without any prep or checking :)
Yeah ended up doing that in a couple of places, for me its not practical to have bundles of cable running from a central switch, because of having to run a cable through a hole in the wall, hiding it behind skirting boards (baseboards) and under floors (where there are crawl spaces). My work place is based in a really old building and theres just bundles of ethernet everywhere running across floors and loosely attached to walls etc, wish they spent the time, effort and money of equipment running fewer 10Gb runs to floors then having 10Gb to 1Gb switches for the workstations.
Yeah the correct way to do it is to chisel a channel in the plaster and embed the cable in the plaster, but thats quite an ordeal to do.
I had issues getting Prowlarr to connect to many sites at all. Jackett just works and has a huge list of working sites, however syncing them all up in the other arr services is a pain which is where comes in.
Any advice for Victorian era terraced houses in the UK where every wall is solid brick :/
I am, absolutely, less intimidating. Remember there are literally dozens of us.
How is an hourly salary that low allowed? It’s not the customer exploiting the server, its the business surely.
If they could just help big distros package binaries that’d be great. I was unable to use their handy dandy installer to install on Debian 11 a couple of months ago, been meaning to try again now Debian 12 is available.
At this point if anyone believes anything he says is anything but a complete lie then they aren’t worth arguing with, the evidence, the literal mountains of evidence are overwhelming.
It’s like they’re trying to kill the platform
So next I’d be checking logs for sata errors, pcie errors and zfs kernel module errors. Anything that could shed light on what’s happening. If the system is locking up could it be some other part of the server with a hardware error, bad ram, out of memory, bad or full boot disk, etc.