My diesel truck takes three years to turn over the carbon emissions that it took to make my EV.
My diesel truck takes three years to turn over the carbon emissions that it took to make my EV.
Because when you’re screwing with important systems it’s generally better to write scripts.
I think open source is a very Star Trek-ish Idea, so it’s natural that people from that community like a show with similar values.
Building it first is far more important than building it right.
1000x1024mb is.
Oh great, it’s the bean police
Coffee beans killed my pappy
Only if my date wants to see my 40k collection
My first date go-to is my mom’s famous 13 bean soup
The problem is that terriers are very susceptible to Kushings disease, which can lead to very irratic behavior. That’s manageable when it’s a 20lb Boston Terrier, but horrifying when it’s a 60 lb terrier of any type.
Why rclone? S3 sync the files on a schedule, enable versioning for immutability and encrypt at the bucket level.
You can always trunk 1g connections together. I picked up an old Cisco 3760G poe+ for 20 bucks at the gov surp. Port channels ahoy!
Your atoms now occupy the same space as the air atoms. How exactly is this not going to result in nuclear tomfoolery?
If you have enough data: Tapes. Tapes are so hilariously cheap to keep. Write them and keep them in a fire proof box. No power needed to keep platters spinning. 45TB/tape!
Bob. Bob Loblaw, from Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog
I have a Sony Erickson bluetooth headphone adapter from 2005. It still works perfectly and the battery has good life.