it works better than twitter
you don’t have to be good, and you don’t have to apologize or explain your choices. the vegans who are jerks about it are right. their choices to act in ways which alienate them sometimes are their own. you can do the same or not. thanks for being vegan, either way
this is an actual answer which is therefore interesting
I probably said the joke because I thought it was funny and so it’s really difficult not to laugh and I don’t care what anyone thinks because I’m an idiot
they don’t swipe him at all. I don’t know why his picture is there
yea it helps some but doesn’t solve it
arch Linux obviously because I’m a fucking genius ass hipster underwear fruitcake
i shit constantly
running is what did it for me
i don’t think they are, usually
agreed. confusion and dementia would be my worst hell. i would need to get things in order before i lose control, if it lookes like things would go that way. i have no intention of living like that on purpose.
I am approaching 40, and I still don’t want any, but i am deeply lonely and depressed as friendships are fading out of my life due to their children and my constant movement and disinterest.
i have no plan for the end of my life. since I won’t be able to do much at that time anyway, I’m not sure that it matters. I’m willing to suffer through it and possibly kill myself if it means that im able to live my best years with the most freedom.
to put pressure on the US government with regards to the situation in the Middle East
a rice cooker filled with lentils and nuts and other types of bird food. no seasoning or salt. brown rice.
a smoothie with raw kale/spinnach, broccoli, spirulina, a banana, almond milk. looks dark green.
actually, ive changed my mind. i would try to get someone to eat this.
in case this isnt a joke, how the fuck would that help?
I have trouble displaying like 10% of the internet
sync for Android