Give me a source you prefer, I will be happy to swap it. The first results I found was this and Forbes and I was expecting this reaction for Forbes.
I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let’s discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.
Give me a source you prefer, I will be happy to swap it. The first results I found was this and Forbes and I was expecting this reaction for Forbes.
For those like me who don’t understand the context:
When you’re deep into sweet sleep and the alarm wakes you up to go to work.
I think I know why.
Same shit happened to the swastika. It comes from Hinduism, still widely used there, in the West it also used to be a symbol of good luck before the 30’.
I thought it came from 4chan, but it actually comes from Myspace.
Latest versions of Firefox offer to copy and paste URL without trackers. I am not sure how it compares to specialized tools.
It’s probably going to prevent security updates too and that’s worse than ad tracking.
Gosh, the money to join the USB-C standard should go into RHS instead!
That’s nice to know, I’m glad sources of greed sometimes cancel each other.
Nope, same and never heard others talking about it in real life. I’m guessing there is some design issues in the American toilets that is not a problem in Europe. Or it’s the large portions of low quality food?
I bet he has a Steve Ballmer like thinking “Linux is cancer” and cannot think beyond his preconceptions.
Still better than an industrial snack, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. If you already have illuminated all these snacks and other sweetened products from your diet, I think you’re doing pretty great. Before that, it seems a bit silly to worry about fruits being too sweet.
Communism didn’t invent empathy, humanism, solidarity, freedom or free sharing; it probably grew from there, and other things like FOSS can grow from there without being communist.
Do you find defending the USA wrongdoing to be of a comparable extent as defending the authoritarian left regimes wrongdoing?
I feel like is still pretty left compared to reddit and very commonly criticizing all the stupid wars the USA have been into as well as its support for Israel in its current war.
Read what Dessalines wrote on his reddit or essays, there’s no doubt that he supports authoritarian communism.
Because it’s not just any political view, tankism is part of the ideologies that support regimes which unmistakably restrict the freedom of speech. This could be an issue for an internet forum.
It’s actually not different from having a right wing billionaire buying a social media. It’s very much the same thing, and most people on the fediverse are there to avoid this kind of political influences on the platform.
So you confirm you used the original meaning? Then yes, that’s pretty average Western. You wrote it as if it was some extremist position, but it’s not, hence my question.
They should consider going back.
There’s probably some western countries or political groups that will judge this as being antisemitism because they follow the logic that the existence of Israel is essential to the survival of the Jewish people. This idea was obviously much more consensual after WW2 than today.
And if I wanted to participate, I’d probably be welcome so long as I follow the rules.
Not only the rules, you also have to avoid critizing the dominant ideology, otherwise you will get at best dog pilled, at worse harassed and censored by moderation.
Tell that to OP, I’m providing the context for their post that I didn’t have.