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Cars shouldn’t require cell phone towers to function. It’s a CAR.
Primitive, provincial knuckledragging Americans/Brits/Right-wing country’s citizens don’t want to learn C or understand how their computer truly works. 😆
Yeah. That tracks
And now the projection starts.
Tell you what. I’ll just block you now and you waste my time again never.
Feel free to waste your time beating up that strawman all you like; the rest of us have actual important shit to do.
Unlike you I do not, in fact, fear five-year-olds. And it’s not because of fear or principle. It is because I am not a craven, sadistic lunatic who feels the need to harm children to prove a point.
Jesus Christ, and when boomers say the same about you, you have the nerve to act like a victim
So instead of building a better platform for them, you denigrate them for conforming to the world you left behind for them.
You are exactly the boomer you claim to hate
Said the dumbass craven bully who needs to pick on people weaker than themselves to feel better
What millennials pick on zoomers, where?
Imagine people thinking food cam be categorized consistently like that.
Food is cultural and historical; nothing outside of its preparation is scientific or internally logically consistent, so stop trying to force it to be.
A hot dog is a damn hot dog. Now stop arguing about it, and get this crap off of my feed
You need to actually have nuts before you can say that
And you’re so much better than them because you’re not 🤷
It couldn’t possibly be you’re the one actually acting that way
You’re the stupid, oversensitive failure with the inferiority complex taking out your emotions on innocent people who have literally done nothing to you but of course you’re the victim here and not them
Nah. You automatically made huge assumptions about the people who joined that group with no understanding of who they are or what they actually stand for because you never researched it or even cared to Google it. And you did that because you, as an anti-intellectual, are one of those people who talk shit about people more intelligent than you to make yourself sound smart.
Did you know 12% of them are Zoomers, for instance? As in teens? Did you even consider some of them would be kids or teens or did that just slip your mind in the middle of you taking out your anger, jealousy and inadequacies on them?
But as usual, as some dumbass anti-intellectualist bigot, you project your own flaws and failings onto a group you want to marginalize to make yourself feel better.
Shut the fuck up and go crack open a book, you worthless, arrogant, vapid, vicious little clod.
Low wisdom simply because they’re part of a club? 🤔
Sounds like you all are the ones who lack wisdom
Post hoc ergo propter hoc in the house
If only you had spell check and the motivation to fix your broken society instead of complaining about having to learn shit.