It also loads like absolute shit
It also loads like absolute shit
The Darkwood devs did this even though they only have one game out, they even uploaded the torrent
Pre-emptively hitting my last resort button
Yeah I think the floor weight is the actual concern and reason it doesn’t happen rather than zoning, but if it’s possible to renovate it within something close to the same cost as starting again, they should renovate it. We need to start taking into account things like the pollution for stuff like this but it not being considered doesn’t mean someone isn’t getting the bill. I don’t think people who would prefer to demolish and start again consider amount of shit that will be put into the air if you knock down a good portion of the office buildings, even if it doesn’t effect much on a grander scale it will effect the actual cities.
Would be interesting if a structural engineer did a video on all the problems and solutions etc of converting office buildings. Maybe even getting away with the bottom few floors on all office big buildings would be a good start.
Another reason you’ve not yet been given is that some of these companies have decades long contracts for renting. The government should intervene and cancel the contracts and pay for them to be converted to flats tbqh. Someone will say “But that will cost more than building a new one![citation needed]” but knocking down half the office buildings at once will probably give everyone in the cities supercancer*[citation needed]*
This one has got the turbo redditors upset
If in E you’re the chad, does that mean in D you’re a pack of dogs?
Yeah blaming it for adverse weather is a pretty old thing, I haven’t actually seen anyone mention HAARP in a long time and was thinking about its absence the other day
I must be missing something because you said he’s not implying that, then immediately implied it yourself
The admin is the one implying it in the OP
I think you can jailbreak lots of them, although I’ve never tried
The up-votes are also mapped to favourites in Mastodon
Explains why this obvious issue is not brought up by Mastodon lol
im not a pedo 🫤🤷♂️ I thought loli meant for teen people like 18-25.