OP be like: “Yes, I’m a socialist. No, I’ve never read Marx nor Engels, I get my ideas from CNN. Why do you ask?”
OP be like: “Yes, I’m a socialist. No, I’ve never read Marx nor Engels, I get my ideas from CNN. Why do you ask?”
He was so effective at leading that the borders of Germany went from a Europe-spanning empire to a single bunker in Berlin in the span of just four years. So effective that he shot himself just to prove how effective he was. His military leadership was so good that Germany lost every major battle he directed, and his economic leadership was so good that German people went without food and his combat forces could not replenish their losses. His social leadership was so good that Germans hatched plots to assassinate him. So effective!
All speculation. All fictional capital in general.
Not a single shred of physical evidence has been presented for any of the ‘sightings’. Basic photography and physics explain the new videos. Just lens flare, bokeh effect, parallax motion, etc. Nothing extraterrestrial, just your average unintelligent American pilot.
Saying someone looks like someone else who happens to be gay is not homophobic… You’re homophobic for thinking it is.
The US military budget is $842 billion. The 2008 bailouts cost $700 billion. Corporate profits in the US are $2.7 TRILLION per year. You’re talking chump change. Do better.