No, is the loop back, so it doesn’t even leave the machine and doesn’t need to be connected to any network.
No, is the loop back, so it doesn’t even leave the machine and doesn’t need to be connected to any network.
I would recommend Shopifys APIs. Theres a lot to them, they’re well documented, and you can build a developers store for free.
Adobe commerce is another one. You can get a dockerized store up and running pretty quickly, also free and their documentation includes some basic suggested workflows.
Edit: these are mostly for practicing consuming apis, not sure if thats what you were looking for.
No, its a consequence of increased security and the inconvenience of have to sign out and create a new account when reselling the phone was an acceptable compromise, rather than an intended ‘bonus’ side effect. A lot of times companies do do that, but this wasn’t one off them.
This was your friend’s fault, and yours to trade cash before understanding how the system worked.
If someone doesn’t like how I look, oh well, that’s life. Seems this is a lesson most people learn in grade school - some people aren’t going to like you, you’re not going to like some people.
You’re not entirely wrong, but you’re also totally missing the fact that people are 100% judged by stature and not just in attractiveness, but in their value period.
The taller you are, the higher salary people will assume you already are making. During hiring, this means you’ll be offered a higher starting salary to try and make the offer more appealing to you.
Here’s an article that references the study I’m thinking of. https://merryformoney.com/height-salary/ If you care ,you can maybe dig up the original study somehow.
This sort of bias is pretty inescapable in our culture and will be I think regardless of our language. Preferred body shapes do change over time, even within the span of a single generation. Maybe tying more positive words around these words is part of that change.
If we want to fix the bad stuff corporations are doing, simply put a larger cost on those things. It’s that simple. Pollution, Safety, Health, whatever… price the negative externalities (economic speak for bad things humans don’t want) properly and the market will sort itself out.
The part where it goes right off the rails however, it seems now that its cheaper to buy and own the politicians, and buy and own the media to manufacture consent to kill these regulations than it is to operate responsibly. Which seems to be right around where we are now.
Depending on where you live, how has home insurance gone in the last 10 years? Trust the money.
Statistically speaking, employers don’t.
This is why the UAW are asking for 40% raise, because that would bring their pay back in line with what they were making in 2008 in terms of inflation.
Virtually no one is going to give up extra time of their live to abuse this unless they have been convinced you are worthy of the abuse.
Then it’s personal.
So my question is if thats your default stance, how much do you abuse your staff? And call it fair because its what everyone is used to?
Or the third option, changing to a better employer.
Since everyone seems to think no one wants to work anymore, maybe theres a lot more better options out than than the shitty employers realize.
Sounds like a simple choice. Moving house to be closer to where jobs are is getting more and more expensive.
So that leaves moving jobs.
I wonder why so many employers are complaining ’No one wants to work’.
Easy to dump the burden of the commute on the staff as the cost of living close to city centres keeps climbing way faster than you’re raising their pay.
Times change, and the old standards don’t make sense anymore.
You want me to give up 10 hours of my day to get paid for 8 hours of work? No thanks.
Sitting in traffic still keeps me from living my life. I’ve got a limited amount of time, so Im not giving it up cheaply.
Remote work where possible is the best option for both parties. If only employers could believe it.
Not sure if this is anything or not.
You pasted the httpd-ssl.conf file.
The script output is referencing httpd.conf
I think it’s sending the challenge request via port 80 and that might be where you’re looking in the wrong place.