I block communities that routinely show up that I am not interested in seeing and use a monkey script to block instances of no value to me.
I block communities that routinely show up that I am not interested in seeing and use a monkey script to block instances of no value to me.
No, simply because I don’t “have to” have content. If Lemmy lacks interesting content, I go outside for a while.
Well, I use a fake name and an email used only for Duolingo, so… ok.
Perhaps you require more ragebait?
If so, you’re stupid, your thought is stupid and your choice in underwear is stupid.
What did Gizmodo think might happen instead? That everyone, including those that were never impacted by 3rd party app changes, would just abandon the site, leaving it without users? “Peak journalism”.
I use both Windows and linux daily. I don’t have an issue with either.
It really depends on where you live. For instance, in Western NC, I was completely left to my own devices on the trail systems. local IMBA group asked that I just keep track of my hours so they could add to the volunteer sheet that they turned into the forestry service. I was given the ok to take anything out I wanted; chainsaws, mowers, weedeaters, sickles, etc. In my new area, it’s more structured so I joined a FB group for the local club and asked them if I could do maintenance on the trail closest to me. They gave me the go-ahead so I go out to that trail when I want to do work.
I always try to find the most unused trail in the area to work on as I prefer the solitude when being out in the woods.
I don’t know, it looks like it would make for some good toilet paper.
Trail maintenance. I spent over a decade doing work on neglected trails in western NC. Hours upon hours of hiking, weed eating, sawing, taking, etc. It was more exercise than biking the same trails.
I’m struggling with the loss of the mountain biking I’ve loved for a long time. I’m trying various changes out to keep some biking in my life. I’m biking more slowly and for diminished distances. Also my wife bought me an emtb that I’ve been trying out on the trails. Less fatigue means I’m .asking less mistakes while out.
I hope you find an outlet you enjoy. The loss is truly life altering.
but it definitely isn’t a way to consume content you actually want.
No, it’s not the way you want. Barring a single instance, it’s literally the way I want to consume the content.
People crossposting to the comical number of same-but-mines-different-communities can shit up a feed pretty quick. I’d suggest cutting down on a few of your tech groups and see how it works for you then.
What’s Twitter? Do you mean X?
UG has gotten terrible in their funding funnel. It’s pretty much just a straight drop into a wallet squeeze at this point.
He may not look like much now but he’s still got it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGP4ZkEIGY
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dapibus id ex a elementum. Donec finibus sapien id rutrum iaculis. Nulla maximus, erat nec vulputate iaculis, leo dolor elementum lectus, eget facilisis felis sapien in ex. Sed scelerisque eget ipsum sed sollicitudin. Mauris molestie tempus ultrices. Nullam et dui aliquam, pulvinar diam vel, condimentum eros. Vivamus luctus gravida elit vitae rutrum. Phasellus maximus est bibendum turpis tincidunt, a interdum sem faucibus. Vivamus a facilisis tellus. Vestibulum cursus suscipit leo nec imperdiet. Aenean et nibh non dui semper posuere.
Praesent a lacus ipsum. Nullam sollicitudin faucibus leo. Nunc bibendum eros elit, a ullamcorper risus luctus vel. Duis maximus augue ut sem interdum, et aliquet est congue. Vestibulum porta porta sem nec elementum. Suspendisse in ante eget quam sollicitudin euismod. Donec rhoncus magna nibh. In eget venenatis massa. Proin interdum nulla turpis, ac mattis lorem tempus eu. Nulla consectetur mi vitae nunc dignissim tincidunt. Cras condimentum ante ac nisl convallis, sit amet convallis sem mattis.
Morbi erat diam, bibendum tempus mattis id, tristique at ligula. Aliquam blandit rhoncus urna, ut vulputate felis tempor vitae. Nunc dapibus leo eget pellentesque tristique. Vivamus leo eros, aliquet et aliquam vitae, vulputate non sapien. Nullam porttitor libero et pretium vehicula. Proin efficitur lacus in nulla dapibus tincidunt. Integer eu dolor felis. Nullam nec ante at arcu gravida hendrerit. In commodo, sem eu rhoncus convallis, nisl sem auctor metus, dignissim congue felis urna eu erat. Vivamus magna felis, efficitur a dui sit amet, vehicula mollis arcu. Pellentesque sit amet gravida neque, vitae vestibulum massa. Mauris venenatis nisl at tempor elementum.
Nullam vel fringilla diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lacus nisi. In dictum sem mollis purus scelerisque, ac tristique tellus consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla quis aliquet lacus, in laoreet ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi turpis magna, eleifend at nunc id, pretium posuere sapien. Integer luctus dui et neque lacinia feugiat. Aliquam justo diam, cursus quis purus vel, gravida sagittis elit. In eleifend aliquam suscipit. Donec erat eros, lacinia at cursus nec, dignissim eget augue. Vivamus volutpat eros eu faucibus tempus. Mauris porttitor risus leo, ut congue neque eleifend id. Quisque at lacinia lacus.
Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed elementum nibh. Sed quam leo, mollis et ipsum sit amet, porttitor rutrum ligula. Nulla erat lectus, pulvinar a ornare vitae, tempor sit amet mi. Nulla aliquam quam a turpis laoreet bibendum. Donec interdum sit amet diam sit amet consectetur. Curabitur in lorem volutpat, maximus enim eu, pretium nisi. Cras eu felis orci. Mauris tincidunt, neque non gravida ornare, dui felis tincidunt purus, sed imperdiet ipsum quam sed mauris. Sed velit erat, dapibus a finibus et, euismod eget sapien. Aenean ac nibh eget est consectetur volutpat ut vel est. Integer et pharetra tellus. In mattis felis nec tempor eleifend. Nam condimentum et sem a lacinia.
As a former Redditor, I can only say that I’ve not yet begun looking at votes. Why do you determine the value of your post based on that? Make your post, read and respond to people who comment and have a great day.
Completely switched the day before 3d party access was monetized and crippled.
If you’re using Spotify on Windows, consider installing a system ad blocker like Adguard for Windows and route Spotify traffic through it. It will strip the ads.
If you’re using Spotify on Android, consider installing the app through X-Manager, which will give you an ad-free experience.
Morning coffee.