This thread should be renamed to 101 reasons why business give Windows or Macs to their employees.
This thread should be renamed to 101 reasons why business give Windows or Macs to their employees.
You’re buying… A temporary permission to access certain content.
The company may be nice now and it’s okay to be happy with them, but that doesn’t mean you attack the personality of someone for pointing out factual information written in your beloved companies agreements.
To do that, it looks like I just need some final info from you first…
They got a service provider to let its users browse Facebook for free, but that was banned a year later for being unfair. It’s still a thing in other developing counties I guess.
Kids that age certainly know how to use a lot of apps, but only in the walled gardens these apps allow them. It’s going to be generations of kids only exposed to very curated experiences that companies what them to know.
Are you really claiming that humans weren’t as aggressive before we had kings? Did having titled rulers suddenly change our animal biology? Even monkeys have hierarchy and can be brutally aggressive for power and control. Ffs I’ve seen crows fight it out to be the alpha.
What previous societal structure… Have we ever had a time where the workers actually owned anything? The reality in the past has always been a handful of elites pulling all the strings, just like today.
On a long enough timeline everyone is a piece of shit. You on the other hand, are one right now.
to their bottom line
They feel that way about a lot of their own services too
It’s a problem if big corp doesn’t support linux. It’s a problem if big corp supports linux.
Aren’t these allergies sometimes caused because you’re not exposed to the stuff? Like how it is for peanuts.
In cost of the game itself for sure, but then you’d have costlier price in the disc too.
With the discs the scratches and storage were a bitch of a problem and later games even needed internet connection to activate games running on disc. It had pros but wasn’t all rosy either.
Disc trays going away was just natural evolution considering how convenient and economical downloading games was for users.
This is a bit anecdotal. It could simply be you’re more tech savvy and/or just care for your electronics better.
As long as they don’t fuckup the charging speed, I doubt it would make a major difference. The number of people/occasions you need to use a physical cable to transfer data is much smaller now than in the past.
Yes there was a problem, but destroying the identity and appeal of the app wasn’t the solution.
Your comment is a Trump card, well done!
Safari is the new IE?