Anywhere from very important to not important at all, depending on your specific job.
There is some good news though, you’ve been lied to about sucking at math. Whether by yourself or other people I do not know, but the education research I have seen has been pretty clear that the main difference between people of normal intelligence who are ‘good at math’ and those ‘bad at math’ is how long they’re willing to work on a problem to ensure the correct answer before moving on.
I know ‘try harder’ sucks as an answer but it’s the best one I know of and at least in this case will actually make a difference.
The issue is not that Linux is more or less buggy/difficult than Windows. It’s that you’re conditioned to already understand Windows’ bugginess/difficulty. I dual-booted for some of xp, all of 7 and much of 10. I found once I got comfortable enough with both, there were perhaps slighly fewer deep problems on Windows, but they were always much more difficult to rectify.
But I understand if you don’t want to take the time to get to that point, learning isn’t for everyone.