Yep, and because we know Democrats won’t have the stomach for, the next time there’s a Republican VP on Jan 6th, they will use this ruling to announce that the Democratic winner is an insurrectionist and therefore disqualified and the same people sitting on the bench will rule that he’s right.
There’s podcasts like Sleep With Me that occupy the same place as white noise.
True, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that this was always the point, but it is notable whenever we witness yet another death of a euphemism
I’m surprised Dems decided to join in ousting him instead of voting present and letting him stay. But I guess watching GOP flail in another month-long speaker election can only help contrast them.
I agree. Guess I should have put a /s on the slogan. But it’s still taking a portion of something that is technically owned by one person or group for the betterment of the community.
Some people see that as theft and so would call it stealing even though there isn’t a law against it. My point is that this question is asked from a particular vantage point and what constitutes theft and the law may be different from one person to another.
I would collect taxes if I held the power of physical violence over a community. All taxation is theft, amiright?
But seriously, stealing is a crime because prevailing thought within the community is that taking something that someone else has a claim on is wrong. If the prevailing thought was that it was not wrong, it wouldn’t be against the law, but we also would call it something else… Like taxation.
What do you think Biden will be able to on court reform without a supermajority in the House and Senate?
The court reform announcement is entirely an aspirational effort. “Just think what we could do if you get out and vote.”
I think that, like it or not, the legal landscape today is what we have to contend with this election cycle.