The Beehaw instance has defederated from the and instances. Each instance is responsible for sending updates to other instances. Defederation means that no outgoing updates are sent and no incoming updates are honored.
The Beehaw instance has defederated from the and instances. Each instance is responsible for sending updates to other instances. Defederation means that no outgoing updates are sent and no incoming updates are honored.
Upside: Easy as pie and can be used by anyone who has used Dropbox/OneDrive/GDrive/whatever
Downside: everyone gets a copy of every file regardless. Good luck getting rid of old files. Could be fine, though.
Syncthing, Plex, and DokuWiki.
My needs are small but Syncthing is for standard file sync and DokuWiki is for a repository for my family. It’s been surprisingly useful to be able to spin and delete up a syncthing folder for some specific thing.
Plex is for my ripped DVDs and also a great way to consume my photos archive without keeping a copy locally on my phone.
Short answer is yes. Long answer is that with text it’s much easier to stamp out illegal activity because keyword searches are cheap while semantic searches in images are pretty good but extremely computationally expensive. You can’t just scan for illegal activity in images the same way you can nigh instantly scan a body of text for “”.