11 months agoYou just flip the handle over and press the little nubbins backwards through the holes to push out the woody gunk into the trash. If it doesn’t fall completely out a gentle whack on the side of the can knocks it out. It’s all fibrous and doesn’t have much flavor.
Mine goes in the dishwasher after you reverse-press the fibers into the trash. I do peel the garlic first.
Now to be fair, I hate chunks of garlic, I just want some garlic flavor in the food if it’s supposed to be there. So I’m never going to just smash or coarsely chop it. I’m also a garlic-sweater so I don’t use garlic at all if it isn’t necessary for the dish. But some delicious foods require it, and I just have to try to plan them so I don’t have something important the next day.