In Italian we have an equivalent, Statunitensi, but Americani is probably used more often to mean the same thing
In Italian we have an equivalent, Statunitensi, but Americani is probably used more often to mean the same thing
What about Canada?
You’ll never be a billionaire if you’re a nice person.
You’ll always lose money caring for stupid shit like paying fair wages to employees, respecting laws and paying taxes.
I can’t speak as an artist as I ain’t one, but as someone who loves listening and discovering new music, Jamendo is great. There are many artists I listen daily that I only know because of it.
Wouldn’t that depend on the license you choose? If it doesn’t include the Non Commercial clause then there’s no reason to hunt anything. Plus from what I see it’s an opt in thing.
+1 for Jamendo and CC licenses
I saw it can answer if you make it use leetspeak, but I’m not savvy enough to know what that tells about guardtails
Yeah, but the current government is dangerously trending in that direction
I game on Linux (Arch, btw) and the only games that don’t work using wine/proton (so far) are those that require kernel level anti-cheat software. Everything else runs mostly flawlessly throgh Steam or Lutris.
I have 800/300, no caps, for like 30€/month. Those prices are insane.
Funny enough, I’m on Arch by choice. I was using it before but it makes sense as having the latest packages is good for gaming on it. Luckily I’ve just been upgraded to a FTTH connection so I’m good on that front.
I had to go back to Xorg though because Wayland was doing some weird shit.
I just did that. I have a dual boot laptop where Windows was used exclusively for games, and instead of upgrading that I built myself a PC with an AMD GPU (Nvidia, fuck you!).
So far I haven’t run into any problem that I couldn’t easily solve, and the only games that won’t run are those demanding I install an anti cheat system, but I’m fine not playing those.
The items would just be kept on sale at hugely inflated prices
I’ll have to look for it because my laptop never went to sleep under Linux
Who wrote this shit? Oh, it was me.
Debugging, the game where you’re not just the detective, but also the perpetrator and the victim.
Medieval 2: Total War
Also, Backpack Hero
It’s a good practice to have the home folder on a separate partition, so it doesn’t get overwritten on a reinstall
For the curious, rm -fr /