To index file paths: GNU locate. It’s also quick to create the index with updatedb. To search: locate <part of path>. Ie: locate artist.flac
Check out - new or used.
Haven’t looked recently but have a look at Laptops with Linux.
Assuming you’re on Fedora 40: sudo dnf install dnf5
It depends on your priorities, hardware, use cases etc. Honestly it’s unlikely to be the determining factor. Available hardware and software support and your attitude to risk are probably more important. Fedora is a cutting edge distro with good reliability and is feature rich. It’s upstream of Red Hat Enterprise Linux so has massive support behind it and a large user base. There are multiple spins if you want GNOME or KDE or an immutable OS etc. Adding additional repos such as RPMfusion make adding Nvidia and other proprietary drivers a breeze. As with most things GNU/Linux you need to be prepared to put in the effort to take control of your digital life. It’s not easy but well worth it.
Not Squad. Not supported on Linux and although it runs on Proton / Steam, EAC errors mean no online play. Sad times.
“dnf -C …” may change your life!
Suspend to RAM / hibernate already does that?
The encryption key is stored in the luks header on the disk and the phrase or key to open the encryption key can be entered at boot or after via the keyboard or from a file (usually a usb drive). So long as the luks header and encrypted data are not damaged and so long as you have the phrase or key that opens the encryption key it should survive the move. Take a dd backup of the disk just in case.
I know this isn’t what you asked but just have the documents sent to you electronically and cut out the middleman while saving some trees! You can also send them electronically if required. Paper is so 1980’s.
New bugs. Excellent!