Just today, I was using windows on my laptop, playing a game made for windows, Black Ops. And it crashes every time I boot up the Call of the Dead. On linux, while it does stutter on that map depending on where i am, I can still play it surprisingly. Its very strange.
I will attempt to try the permissions solution, i will keep you all updated if it works.
I will check permissions when I get the chance, thanks!
• Vinesauce, both Joel and Vinny.
• Jacob Gellar has awesome videos.
• Perun does really good work with Military analysis stuff.
• Wendigoon is super wholesome and also has good videos.
• Drifter’s Broadcast is a more recent discovery, but his Xcom challange videos are awesome.
• Max Miller has wonderful videos.
• Strat-edgy is really funny
• Mikeburnfire and ZachHazard are really funny. There are more but I cant think of them.
Edit 1: Oh my, it didnt paragraph oops
Edit 2: Fixed it!
I think it would officially be lobbying, or, in laymans terms, bribery.
Imagine if they made a survival game in Night City where you were homeless and had to get food, water, shelter, avoid gangs and police, and treating combat the way Tabletop does. Having it fast, brutal and very easy to die in.
I really enjoyed Cyberpunk, but I dont think it did enough to make me hate corporations. I wanted to see them activily being terrible, but you mostly just hear about how bad they are and idk, they just weren’t portrayed as villianously as I think the game wanted them to be. Adam Smasher was the only enemy that I like really wanted to get my hands on, and even that was because of Edgerunners.
I did start to notice things during gameplay, like how there arent any animals, save for a few cats, no birds, nothing like that.
Now when I finally to the dive into the tabletop lore, that was when I found all the henious shit that I wanted to. Multiple corporate wars, purposly getting people addicted to cyberware, overthrowing governments (hey Ive seen this one!) And all sort of just vile disgusting actions that make you want to be Johnny Silverhand. Actually made me sad we didnt blow up Arasaka HQ again. Or Millitech for that matter, theyre actually kind of worse imo.
I am a Jedi, like my father before me you peice of shit.
Aero is my favorite. I think it looks nice
I enjoy teamspeak solely for Arma 3 ARCE and TFAR
I just say, “Uh-huh!” Or “Yeah!” Like an idiot.
Arma 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, mixed in with some Ultrakill, Elite Dangerous and Voices of the Void. Got my whole range of games.
I love Elite Dangerous, but that sounds way cooler. Im still kind of pissed about the lack of ship interiors. Something that was promised way back when.
MGS1 is my favorite of the series and is one of my favorite stories in gaming. It’s an incredibly mature story for all the wackiness thats still in it. The music is perfection. The performances are incredible. The characters are great. I love everything about this game. I think, somehow, the low poly graphics and textures adds a lot to the realism and grittiness of the game, despite being fairly arcady in gameplay. At this point in the story, almost everything that happens in it is believable, other than the supernatural parts (which are, in this game, actual supernatural powers, which adds a whole new layer of mystery!) I HATE how over explained everything became in MGS4 and MGS5, (and to some extent, mgs3 even.) I think MGS4 kind of ruined the series for me, even though mgs4 has my favorite gameplay. MGS5 just felt like a Ubisoft collectathon game to me, and vocal parasites can lick my ass with how dumb it is. It has good moments, but it feels rather aimless compared to MGS1-3.
1 has the most serious tone, but still has some goofiness and arcadiness that really meshes well with the story and visuals somehow. 2 and 3 stayed strong with the story, both being more goofy, but also having deeper meanings and plots. I like 1-3 a lot, and even 4 is a fun romp, but 5 just could not hold me. Ground Zeros was great! But Phantom Pain is just a slog for me.
Some good old classic Counter Strike. Lot more fun when its just you and people you know imo.
Crab Games is a fun parody of squid games. And its free!
Perfect Heist 2 is really fun, but idk if the games are large enough for 15 people.
Doom 3 is my favorite one to play when there’s combat and its had some tweaks to the gunplay (like fixing the god-awful shotgun spread to be more normal, greatly reducing ammo amounts, and increasing armor effectiveness,) but if i want a really fun experience, I tend to do Doom 2, or Plutonia. The newer doom games don’t have enough mobs spawning in, and a lot of the levels just feel like combat arenas, (less so in Eternal) instead of places to explore. I think a lot of people overlook the exploration of the og doom games and 3. I liked how demons could roam the halls in Doom 1 and 2, and it really made the levels feel a bit more sandboxy imo. Not to say Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are bad games, certainly not! It’s just a lot easier for me to sit down and play a few levels of doom 1 or 2 for 30 minutes or an hour, instead of getting invested in complex, more intense gameplay.
Doom 1 and 2 typically relieve stress, though can be challenging, while in doom 2016 and eternal, i feel overwhelmed sometimes and kinda have a bad time cuz I need to focus too much, constantly switching weapons and whatnot. Sometimes i just wanna mow down a horde of zombiemen and imps with a chaingun or ssg.
Isabelle in MarioKart and… Young Link in Smash Bros… ☹️