Wow that’s a… wow! Yay Linux! What?
Wow that’s a… wow! Yay Linux! What?
What’s the smart thing I’m missing here?
I heard that Carbon14 was an efficient solution
their concerns reached the development team itself
haha, like there’s a dev team for TF2?
I don’t know about them, but I sure don’t understand
I don’t know, but in France people got scared by “HADOPI” which was a government organization to find people sharing files, and like they were sending you e-mails if caught! And if caught a second time, BAM a paper letter! Scary! Then I think there was something like cutting your internet, not sure it ever happened.
eDonkey was an easy way to share something with a group of friends via P2P!
You’re right, I’m on linux, I’ll try it out
I have my locales set on en-UK because I prefer to have English versions, easier to troubleshoot problems
I wish I could set it as en-FR for other things, like metric system and 24h clock, but you can’t
So he’s not defending/promoting “world Hunger”, just arguing that it’s not a bug but a feature developed to have cheap labor, and that the people in power don’t want to end it
In France you’re not paid for your donation, well, it is a donation, but the organization collecting it is kind of for profit as they are not entirely relying on public funds. The blood and plasma are still going to save lives so I’ll continue
because he’s dead!
“I’d love this on a t-shirt”
I saw it somewhere somehow and it’s an association that found him in a basement and put him on diet, he couldn’t move by himself, wondering how he was eating that much
I hate this so much that because of their proprietary battery slots you have to stick with one brand. And I can’t understand how this is even legal in UE when they spend so much time and resources to push usb-c as a standard and even made Apple bend. Why would you allow this, it’s much worse than a cable on ecological level
(I’m not saying that usb-c was a bad thing, far from it!)
the battery is the problem, I don’t know why UE is so focused on a charging cable and seems to completely ignore this issue.
now better: nginx!
but when I’m in?