The two facts are linked: Vichy was chosen as the new capital after the occupation of Paris because of the springs. There were a lot of hotels and means of communication because of the luxurious spas.
The two facts are linked: Vichy was chosen as the new capital after the occupation of Paris because of the springs. There were a lot of hotels and means of communication because of the luxurious spas.
I didn’t thought of that, you’re right!
For France it’s probably Vichy, infamously well known internationally for being the capital of the French pro-Nazi government during the Occupation. Only 25’000 inhabitants.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Windows, is in fact, Firefox/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Firefox plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another component of a fully functioning Firefox system made useful by the Firefox browser, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS.
Many computer users run a modified version of the Firefox system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Firefox which is widely used today is often called Windows, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Firefox system, developed by Mozilla.
There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Windows is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Windows is normally used in combination with the Firefox operating system: the whole system is basically Firefox with Windows added, or Firefox/Windows. All the so-called Windows distributions are really distributions of Firefox/Windows!
Not a fan of Vivaldi, but that’s the spirit.
You follow the tankie definition of fascism? “Everything at the right of the bolshevism is fascism”?
You have no idea of what fascism is.
That’s not the point. The point is: Ukraine is a normal country, nor a fascist hellhole nor a perfect Paradise. Their national symbol is also used by its far right, today and during the WWII; just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe. And just like all other countries under the Nazi rule in Europe, they continued to use their national symbols after the WWII.
Vichy France of Pétain participated in the Holocaust too. France still use the fasces, the same anthem and the same flag.
And the tryzub didn’t mean fascism when it was firstly adopted by the (menchevik communist) Ukrainian People’s Republic in 1917…
Symbols have more than one meaning… The word “fascism” comes from one of these symbols: the Fasces. However the fasces are still used by France:
Or by the US:
Are these countries fascists just because they use the Fasces? Of course not. They have other meanings. It’s the same with this Ukrainian symbol.
mutt, because it looks like it’s from the last 20 years. Of the 20th century.
Israel is a country. Fascism is a type of government.
You can want the end of the fascist government without wanting the end of the country.
A two state solution is one possibility, but there is no strict requirement that it is the only or best way to serve the needs of those involved.
It’s true. But it’s not for us to decide.
I think you didn’t understood me. I’m criticizing Israel. It’s a criminal state.I just say that to criticize Israel and saying that Israel.shouldn’t exist are two different things.
Israel is a lot of things, but not an ethnostate. Falashas and Sefardim aren’t white, and they’re recognized as citizens as much as Ashkenazim, at least legally (there is racism between Jews in Israel too, but it’s the case everywhere).
I don’t understand why Israel is the only criminal State in the world that progressive people want totally destroyed. Russia, Iran, Syria, … are imperialist criminal states too, and progressive people “only” want their government changed. I want the fascist government of Israel overthrown, but I have no right to call for the destruction of the country itself. The only difference is Judaism.
If the Jew people of Palestine want the independence, who are we to deny it? The only moral solution in this case is the two states solution.
Thus you’re denying the right of self determination for the Jew people. QED.
It would be replaced by what?
The flags are wrong, though.