Yup, even better since he’s buddies with Trump right now, when the shit hits the fan it will be better than reality tv.
Yup, even better since he’s buddies with Trump right now, when the shit hits the fan it will be better than reality tv.
But think of all the poor people working in advertising who will be without a job!
The reversed rule in plumbing is only for gas lines in the Netherlands.
Same here, except for my dad, he is clumsy as hell.
The literal meaning was defined “to drink”. If you drink something, it becomes a part of you.
Same for overmogen in the Netherlands. And eergisteren for the day before yesterday.
What you call a good thing, I call green washing.
Still, open source AI will still help the same companies getting richer because the needed computing power can be found in these data centers. The companies don’t even care if it’s AI, crypto or whatever the next thing is, as long as it needs lots of power and bandwidth.
Tell me about it. In the Netherlands wind farms are built, and, on paper, these datacenter companies buy up all of the energy from them. Meanwhile, the reason why these wind farms were built is to burn less fossil fuels, but that won’t work now because of all the extra energy consumption.
But those other things is stuff which askes a sacrifice of you personally, while someone else’s sexual orientation only needs you pointing at them. In the Netherlands where I live it’s a lot less about sexual orientation (but still some), and a lot more about foreigners, be it asylum seekers or people of Moroccan descent who’s grandparents were brought over in 1960’s because of labour shortages.
It’s not, but you made me google, so I gave you an upvote.
They’ve missed AirBNB and the likes.
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That’s probably why they’re modern design principles, UI’s were relatively new in 1999, and most people who used computers still knew how to work with the command line.
If you’re the kind of person to think in words, try to practice thinking in English.
So first phone was an Ericson T10, this was basically the cheapest GSM in the late 90’s. After that I got a Nokia 3310 (flashed with 3315 firmware and with a Bacardi case) which had a bigger screen, so multiple lines of text on-screen. Also, you could send images over SMS and install custom midi ringtones. Next a Samsung X600 with a color screen and camera. After that a T-Mobile MDA vario (rebranded HTC Wizard 200) which was a less than great very bulky phone, but it had windows and a (stylus only) touch screen. I can’t really remember why I got it though. After that a Nokia N95, the last one before my first smart phone, which was a LG optimus 2X.
Ten opzichte van welke andere hoofdsteden?
I hardly watch TV. I’ve seen some episodes over the years, and it’s not for me. I don’t hate it, but it just feels like someone trying to be edgy. It might be that I’m from Europe, so I can’t really relate to a lot of stuff going on.
True, but also if you go to Amsterdam as a tourist, you’ll end up in the tourist trap places. Shady coffee shops, tours of the red light district, and over priced bars where you have to pay for toilet usage. And you can be rushed through the Anne Frank house for a price.
I don’t know if this is possible on Amazon, but on our local alternative (bol.com for the Dutchies) it is possible to buy e-books for one cent, which will get you free shipping. I have quite a selection of e-books I’ll probably never read, but which were just the right amount to get free shipping.