Lo and behold, I have Ubisoft wallet funds! And it just happens to be that it’s everyone’s favourite time to buy games, Cyber Monday.
So, my question for all the Lemmings out there is: What are your top five (5) must-play Ubisoft games? I’m talking pseudo-classics, like AC2. Gems from the past decade that can run on anyone’s hardware. Note that the older the game is, the higher the discount is, and thus more accessible.
Splinter Cell: Conviction. I’ve never played the predecessors that people rave about but Conviction is intense and has some of the best stealth mechanics in any game.
Watch_Dogs got a lot of shit when it first came out for not living up to expectations, but like Cyberpunk 2077, what is there is a really compelling and well-executed crime drama with some fun gameplay gimmicks.
Far Cry 3 is what many consider to be the last good Far Cry. I’d argue Far Cry 4 is since it’s in the mountains and you have a climbable, swingable grappling hook AND a wing suit.
For Honor is an incredible cross between 3rd person action and a fighting game a la Mortal Kombat. It’s the best 3rd person multiplayer game available.
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag is the absolute best story driven pirate video game in existence.
Rainbow Six: Siege is easily the smartest, most intellectually stimulating competitive FPS ever made. If you put in the time to learn all the core mechanics well, then it becomes incredibly rewarding to uncover all the creative ways you can utilize the unique abilities of all the operators.
You get a wing suit in 3.
Yeah, but not till the end and 4 is set in the mountains where it’s actually fun to use.
My dumb ass thought you guys were talking about Assassin’s Creed.
Splinter cell looks super cool, I’m about to buy watch_dogs on steam I’ve got FC3, but 4 looks sick Never heard about for Honor, sounds neat might check it out Really enjoying AC2 right now, might pick up BF
Thanks for the recommendations!
I loved AC2. I don’t think there’s enough different in Brotherhood, Revelations, or 3 to warrant playing them. Black Flag is a fantastic time.
I truly believe Far Cry 4 is just a more fun FC3 with a more interesting but shallower story
2, Brotherhood and Revelations are all Ezio trilogy, right? So is it more content or more of the same.
FC4 is getting some rave reviews
Yeah they are the Ezio trilogy. If you like Ezio, you can play them but gameplay-wise it’s really more of the same, just in Rome (which might as well be bigger Florence) and Constantinople.
Alright then. Good to know. Thanks for the tip.
Watch Dogs 2 is marginally better, mostly because the protagonist isn’t the most unlikeable person in the world.
Immortals: Fenyx Rising is surprisingly good. It’s basically Breath of the WIld without weapon breaking and no annoying weather preventing you from climbing things.
None of them
Unhelpful, but not untrue
This is the objectively correct answer. The new games are incredibly bland, and there’s better old games to play before delving into the “good” old Ubisoft games.
Maybe there’s like Beyond Good and Evil or Assassin’s Creed 2, but I don’t think I could really recommend them to someone with any confidence. It’s probably just residual nostalgia more than anything.
Black Flag
The Splinter Cell series is also fun!
Easy choices honestly. From better to worse: Rayman Legends, Far Cry 3, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Assassin’s Creed 4, Rainbow 6 Siege (only if you have friends to play with you)
Shoutout to Trackmania (2020) as well. Loads of fun if you’re a fan of racing, but it’s sadly behind a subscription service and isn’t a one-time purchase.
+1 for trackmania as well. Yes it is a subscription but it is also only $10 for a year of standard access which gets you 4 campaigns and 365 TOTDs
Watch Dogs 2 is one of my all-time favorite games
The multiplayer mini games in it were so fun, though I’m not sure how many people engage in current year
But the whole game is worth playing, even if some of it seems quaint by today’s standards
Def gonna check it out on steam. (Better deals) Thanks for the confirmation tho. Have a good one
- Rayman Origins
- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
I actually don’t like any other Ubisoft games enough to put on a list next to these three. That’s not to say everything else is bad, just that the okayness of other things I like kind of blurs together and makes it impossible to say one is better than another.
Rayman Origins and Legends are good picks if you’re into 2D platformers. Both pretty old and Rayman isn’t exactly a super relevant franchise anymore but these game are good and likely cheap. Not quite Super Mario Wonder but not far off.
Definitely play with a controller rather than KB+M
Beyond Good and Evil is the only game from Ubi I remember to have played I liked
Okay, I’ve seen that games cover a thousand times. What is it about?
I can only remember there is an evil organization doing evil things and the main character alongside her friends try to fight them to free the world. I found the gameplay pretty cool and the soundtrack as well
edit: this track I really like it https://youtu.be/3Ua11Z9RHrA
My top 5:
- Assassin’s Creed 2
- Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
They are peak Ubisoft and the only games I’d say fall close to ‘must-play’.
2 for the story, Brotherhood for the cleaner combat and tighter controls.
I had fun with ac Valhalla, but i generally don’t like Ubisoft games
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Sounds interesting! Thanks for the tip
Gonna throw in a shout out to AC’s spritual precursor, Prince of Persia. Also can’t go wrong with Rayman or Rabbids.
Prince of Persia looks super cool and is dirt cheap right now. I’ll for sure check it out.
Far cry 5 is one of my favorite far cry games so I definitely recommend it.
Definitely interested in the Far Cry series, I’ll have a look at 5, thanks!
The Anno series is pretty fun if you like the genre. I put several hours into Anno 1800 and enjoyed it. I’ll likely get back to it at some point.
I’m semi-into city building. Thanks for the tip