to be fair it’s leveled out since. it’s still up that much, but didn’t continue the meteoric rise.
to be fair it’s leveled out since. it’s still up that much, but didn’t continue the meteoric rise.
did you read the article?
i HIGHLY doubt the houses being referenced in the article have been vacant for 7-20 years.
they don’t appreciate nearly fast enough to make up for the lack of income.
depends on where you are. i bought a new house 3 years ago and within a year the value of my house had increased nearly 100k.
Whatever dude. A fool and his money and all.
Not as salty as the food from places you people order take out from .
it has a use for useless people.
It did. the internet is a blight on humanity.
ok buddy.
I never said it didn’t.
Well it’s fitting this “conversation” is in the Mildly Infuriating sub. I’m done. have a nice life eating at all your healthy restaurants.
Not flavor. Shit as in it’s not good for you. Cook your own food.
ok buddy. im not saying i don’t eat out, but it’s ALL shit food. you have to know this right?
and yet somehow we’ve survived as a species this long. how in the world did we make it without door dash?
yet SOMEHOW the world got on just fine before them. weird how that works.
you realize that ANY restaurant isn’t going to be ‘good’ food right?
and not one of those groups of people should be eating the shit food that gets delivered by these places.
Stop fucking using these extortion apps. Drive your lazy ass to the shit food station yourself.
why not? those people exist too. This is skinny-phobic behavior.
In these situations 6 months is exactly what I’d imagine. Where I live I can’t imagine any house staying vacant for 6 months. It costs more to rent a house here than it does to buy one. My mortgage payment is $1400/month, but I could rent my house for over $3k a month. it’s ridiculous.