Name on the reservation?
Name on the reservation?
Fire cleanses all
Yea you are. Stop creating things if you don’t like it.
Profit motivations kill the hobbyists and hobbyists are greater
Room for one more
These are people that buy games pre release or line up out front of iPhone sales in the middle of the night.
Yea. Sucks that journalist and article/blog writers have convinced me that chatGPT wants to fuck my wife and steal my kidney
I have this fantasy where we humanity has a whole biotechnology skill tree that we never unlocked but there’s like a Renaissance waiting to happen that will one day uncover all these cool new branch’s
That would be a combat engineer
Was this made seriously at some point though. Is that artist okay
I hope that frog guy migrates to lemmy
What’s your cavity situation like
I’m guessing the way its suppose to work is tax exemption means you should apolitical like a think tank lol
Maybe not an exact law to be greedy but aren’t they legally responsible for acting in the interest of the shareholders not the consumer
Find vulnerabilities that could grant access to heaven
I laugh at this meme while kicking pile of DVDs all with zombies in foreground with boobs and spaceships in background
Marriage is about my happiness and according to AITA and TwoXChromosome my husband is a toxic spouse and I need to leave him, force my kids into poverty and go out there and just be happy without those lead balloons. Marriage over do it now