Weed isn’t legal in The Netherlands, the sale of weed is only condoned. Meaning the coffee shops who sell weed cant legally purchase it.
As far as the laws concerned it magically appears.
so they illegally purchase it and then sell illegal goods, legally?
Eh, not legally. It’s illegal but condoned (up to 5 gram, for personal use only). Meaning they won’t arrest or prosecute you for it, but technically you are still beaking the law. I guess in theory some DA could add it along with other charges. But since we don’t have a US-style kangaroo court system, this never happens.
we don’t have a US-style kangaroo court system
What does that mean?
A lot of DA’s in the US trump up charges and add anything they can think of, often in order to scare the defendant into settling out of court. I believe some 97% of cases in the US are settled out of court. That doesn’t happen over here.
OK. Thank you for explaining.
In the the old days, frontier judges would “hop” from one town to another and hold mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.
I guess I don’t think of the US court system as being like that today.
Should we call this “blind-eye economics”? I just kinda like the sound of it lol
Ah yes, the magically appearing coffeeshopwiet. I’m trying to get rid of it officer, honestly, but it just keeps coming back! Suppose I may as well sell it for a reasonable price in my humble little shop in Doetinchem. Perhaps with a bit of coffee on the side. Maybe in edible form for those who can’t smoke the leaves.
There are bow trials being done with legally grown weed. Meaning it’s a government run weed farm.
can people not use that to take each other’s shops down?
How, if they’re all playing at the same game? Like, what would be the point, if you get them to start busting others for it, they’ll eventually bust you too…
Wasn’t there a country where some company ran a “lost and found” service where you’d pay them to “find your weed”. Like they were selling you weed but in order to make it legal their business was for you to pay them to find your lost weed.
We use the ISO-8601 date and time format, mostly. We separate the portions by points, not dashes, though. So a typical date looks like this: 2023.12.22. If we shorten it without the year, it’s 12.22., or 5.12. We say it with just the numbers, without the points, and shorten “hónap” (month) to “hó”. So its “5. hó 12”, basically “5th mo’ 12”.
For time we use the 24H format, regularly even in everyday speech. If it’s very clear that you are in the late afternoon or evening, you just say “6 o’clock 24” or “13 o’clock 46”.
So always from bigger to smaller “powers”. It’s auto-sorted on most filesystems, table of contents etc. and very clear in everyday use. It’s nice.
I’m so in favor of that time format, both 8601 and 24 hour.
Just to be pedantic, iso 8601 stipulates that the delimiting character is a “-” not a “.”
That’s why I said “mostly”. (Points instead of dashes.)
I generally prefer dates ordered from most to least prominence myself, but any ordering is better than the weird flip flopped month day then year thing we got Stateside.
Interesting that y’all say o’clock before the minutes, tho! Haven’t seen that before.
We basically say “hour”, but hour and o’clock is the very same word in my language: “óra”
Bit like in Dutch, actually, with the Dutch word being uur. “Het is zes uur” for six o’clock.
Szoszi kérsz eladó bojlert?
Nice date format, too bad about orban though 🤷
Pigs in Space? Or which one?
Slight mixup with a polish party
It makes more sense now, yes. And you are absolutely right. Most Hungarians despise that piece of shit, myself included.
If it’s very clear that you are in the late afternoon or evening, you just say “6 o’clock 24” or “13 o’clock 46”.
Isn’t 6 o’clock 24 in the morning?
When it’s obvious that you are talking about the evening, like it’s winter, dark, and you are walking on the street and somebody asks what time it is, you just say 6 o’clock/hour 24.
Thank you for explaining.
There are so many natural springs in the Swedish inland, that you don’t really need to worry about bringing drinking water when hiking.
It is recommended to bring a water filter with you, but most of the water is clean and safe to drink.
How often do moose bite people in Sweden?
Not often as long as you’re not karving your initials into its side.
To my knowledge, I only have a vauge memory of having read this happening, but it may be a Total:Recall scenario where you comment has implanted a false memory.
In any case, I would not be worried about biting, moose are far more likely to crush you when they decided to cross the road just infront of your car, in the evenings, when it is dark, at roads with no lighting.
That is how me and my dad almost had a terrible crash many years ago, we were heading home from Uppsala toward Stockholm, dad was driving, we were on the backroads, and had just started driving on a long straight on the road, there was an oncomming car, and as we got close a moose decided to cross the road just ahead of us, dad had no tome to brake, and had to swerve into the oncomming lane and then back into our lane, we made it, but had a huge adrenaline kick.
All learner drivers in Sweden are required to go to a driving facility and learn about the risks of exsessive speed, stopping distance and swerving, both on dry and wet track to get a feel for it should it happen later, it is really fun, as you get to drive the car at speed alone for the first time.
I only know that Uppsula exists, and where it is in Sweden because of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and I wanted to know how far from Tröllhatten it was. You guys made good cars there.
If you ever find yourself in Uppsala on a weekend during summer, I can recommend the herritage railroad Lennakatten, it is a 33km long narrow gauge (891mm) railroad that runs steam and diesel trains, as well as diesel multiple unit trains, you can get on it and connect with a herritage bus service to take you to a popular lake for swimming.
I’d be way more afraid of their feet than their bite. Not that a bite wouldnt hurt but their kick will break bones
I’m equally afraid of every part of the moose. That’s an animal best appreciated from afar.
Or at Älgens Hus where they’re tame! Then you really get to appreciate how fucking gigantic those beasts are.
Heck that’s really neat to know, actually!
People are racists on a town to town basis.
One of the official language isn’t used in the daily life despite having the larger speaker base. People use dialect.
These dialect can vary a lot between regions or even towns.
People will be angry and rant if the train run 5 minutes late.
The biodiversity is actually bad.
You can legally urinate on a UNESCO monument.
Don’t forget that making a spliff out of your train ticket, ink and all, is a thing lol
Edit: There are also pockets where the police won’t go because they recognize they’re full of crime and drugs, but as long as it stays within those couple of streets, they’re happy to let things stay as they are so it doesn’t spill out.
Oh and over a quarter of the population consists of immigrants.
And there’s free water everywhere… hiking, in towns… just bring a water bottle and find a fountain that’s always running. The water is ice cold year round too.
It’s also the home of H.R. Geiger (Alien design fame) in Gruyère. You can go to the town of Gruyère, which is gorgeous, and see the museum, go to the Alien-inspired café, see how they make the Gruyère cheese that you probably know, and even visit the Cailler chocolate factory, which has a Willy Wonka-type tour with infinite chocolate tasting at the end… mmmmmmm…
Some others:
Half of the people with swiss citizenship have a foreign background at some level.
The majority of immigration went from permanent to temporary. People come for a small amount of time.
Despite being one of the most neoliberal country, people of the city of Berne voted to allocate money to the self-managed cultural center. This can be explained by the city-countryside political divide.
Switzerland doesn’t have direct democracy but a semi-direct democracy.
Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus still have a Landsgemeinde where people vote cantonal level legislations using show of hands vote.
Corruption at the local level is high.
There are more unwritten rules than laws.
People keep their friends during the entire life. As a side effect, people can be seen as unfriendly. It can take up to 10 years to make a local friends.
You can reach 95% of the country by public transportation.
The Habsburg dinasty originated from the small town of Habsburg in the Canton of Aargau.
Which monument is this you speak of? :o
The Zytglogge in Berne is the UNESCO monument you can urinate on.
Rather amazingly, set into its outside wall on the street is a pissoir. The “Herren WC” sign is a little misleading, as there is neither WATER nor a CLOSET."
How wonderful!
This is actually misinformation and misleading. The sign says
like on the picture.
My link was for the illustration.
I don’t know what “Herren” means, but WC stands for water closet. It sounds to me like there isn’t any running water or stalls.
Herren means “men”. “WC” means toilets, the place, in this case. I get the pun but it’s not the best one.
The water is accessible on the front by the way.
I think I must not understand what the pun is.
We don’t let sheep vote here, despite being outnumbered by them. We also have no romantic relationships with them either.
Australians suck and are terrible at sport. Don’t pick on them though, because we’re the Pacific redneck brothers. Only we can pick on Australians.
You always know when Tonga or Samoa is playing a sports match, because you’ll see the flags and hear the cars tooting everywhere.
Guy Fawkes is a real big deal. Fireworks will be going all week.
All the fish and chip shops are owned by Chinese, all the dairies by Indians, and all the bakeries by Cambodians.
It’s difficult to find some nationality that isn’t represented by a restaurant somewhere.
Our national dish is Butter Chicken.
-New Zealand
you are writing about a place where every second person is prone to skin cancer and you don’t even notice it… It’s just like a cold (illness ) for you. And the fact that you live so far from the rest of the world that if you have the opportunity, you certainly try to escape from the country (despite the high level of prosperity of the country). And you can’t swimming in ocean… water is cold, evenin summer…
Guy Fawkes is a real big deal. Fireworks will be going all week.
Try a major UK city. It’s dark early, often foggy, people are fighting each other with rockets on the streets. People are holding hands and burning effigies of the latest prime minister.
God do I miss England in November.
Don’t pick on them though, because we’re the Pacific redneck brothers. Only we can pick on Australians.
I’ve always loved seeing these sorts of brotherly rivalries between nations.
You always know when Tonga or Samoa is playing a sports match, because you’ll see the flags and hear the cars tooting everywhere.
Ahh, that big a sports rivalry, then?
It’s difficult to find some nationality that isn’t represented by a restaurant somewhere.
Got a favorite nationality’s food?
New Zealand is a beautiful country and it’d be a dream to get a chance to visit y’all some time :D
We also have no romantic relationships with them either.
Well yeah, bit rude for the sheep to cheat on their Welsh spouses, innit? Nawh I kid, love ya Wales! A Welsh accent’s honestly my favorite from the Isles.
American here, we’d never pick on the Aussies, they’re our little brother that just keeps picking up our bad habits, which I guess makes NZ the little brother that we forget even exists most of the time, till you do something cute.
Canada is, surprisingly enough, not part of America.
We’re not America’s hat - you’re Canada’s asshole. /s
Just because we do our best here in Canada to not be like our American cousins … it doesn’t mean that a good number of us think, act and believe like our southern relatives.
Honestly, I live in northern Ontario where we shouldn’t have so much American influence but it’s so strange to meet and talk to outright Trump supporters with ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ stickers, don’t trend on me and Confederate flags. It’s especially strange when some back woods people I know barely have any knowledge of Canadian politics but enjoy mentioning their second amendment rights and the right to bear arms (both of which is an American thing and not part of Canadian history)
That’s extremely strange. I’m curious - in your experiences, are these usually Canadian-born people or do they sound like they could be from America?
It’s just the side effects of news media like Fox news.
They probably had a bit of conservative bent to their politics to begin with but when you toss in daily hourly propaganda to these people, their ideas start to sound normal and even necessary to them.
I also have a bunch of friends in southern Ontario around Hamilton and Haldimand region and you can’t believe the number of boomers down there who just leave Fox News on all day in the background. They watch more American news than they do Canadian and they are the same group that will call the pubic broadcaster CBC as communist or socialist. It’s amazing how powerful propaganda can be to a whole group of people. It may not fool everyone, but it fools enough of them to make difference.
I hate the fact that my country infects Canada with that filth. You’re wonderful neighbors, and we were already enough trouble before Fox “News” came along.
I share the same sentiment. We’re a bad influence, we are.
Right? And not even in a “cool kid who plays by their own rules” kind of way.
Well we didn’t have the best parents. Those two had been bickering do so long they have a “hundred years war”
There’s a significant number of them that are Canadian born. Honestly, it speaks a lot to the influence of fox news and other right wing propaganda outlets… these people weren’t the target - the propaganda isn’t even relevant to them - and yet they’re just as brainwashed as maga idiots.
It’s happening in Alberta too.
Remove the /s and you’re right.
Be a man ;)
You’re not part of the United States of America, but you’re still part of the continent of North America.
We’re grateful for the Canadarm too. A tip o’ America’s hat for that program.
If you are going by approximate anatomy, Canada’s asshole would probably be the Panama Canal. Y’all poop boats.
Hey we’re both the assholes of the world, there’s enough room for two on this throne
Canada is the younger brother of the United States of America… you do everything with an eye on them… And this is not a surprise to anyone
Big love to our northern brothers across the border! That said, we can’t be just y’all’s asshole. You’re forgetting that we got the perfect dangling phallus of Florida that cannot be ignored (despite our best efforts.)
We are Canada’s pants.
No - they’ve already got pants. Nice and sturdy ones. Bit jealous.
Nice to hear from Europe-America in this thread.
Now go play with Exotic-America and his juguetes in the corner and let the real countries talk.
We take folk dancing very seriously. There are A LOT of folk dance ensembles and they vary from random hobbyist groups to company-sponsored groups of 80+ dancers. There are lots of competitions, drama and every 5 years - a huge concert where most ensembles participate and perform in a stadium. One dance can contain up to 1000 dancers at the same time.
During this year’s final dance the spectators mentioned that they could feel the ground shaking.
My wife’s late grandfather was from Latvia, displaced during the Second World War, I always enjoy reading things about the country and relaying them on to her.
Passion for dance is a really cool thing to have in my book, preserves something that words doesn’t.
I’m not even into dancing but goodness me, that sounds like a lotta fun to watch. I’ll have to see one of y’all’s competitions if I ever find my way around the Baltics!
Competitions aren’t that interesting to the average person. The Song and Dance festival would be a must-see:
Very cool.
The night before December 6th, children leaves their shoes on front of the chimney, along with a glass of milk and a carrot for Saint-Nicholas and his donkey (other countries say it’s a horse, but it’s a donkey for us).
Saint-Nicholas leaves a bunch (like, a lot) of candy and toys during the night for children to find when they wake up.
Traditional treats include speculoos, chocolate coins, nuts, clementines and “guimauve” (like marshmallows but a little less soft, in the shape of clogs or religious figures, sometimes chocolate-covered).
Also, on Easter, children will find eggs in their backyard. They are dropped by “the bells”. The story is that the bells of Rome fly across Europe and drop eggs along the way (see this postcard). So when the children are done finding all the eggs, they shout “THANK YOU BELLS”.
Your country is my favorite in all of Europe. I definitely wanna spend the rest of my life over there.
Everyone who thinks this is a bad idea, get your downvotes ready.
Well we do have the ‘index’ mechanism: all paychecks and wellfare adjust magically and automatically when stuff in shops gets more expensive. There’s worse places to live, I guess.
Good to know.
Good to know.
I’ve heard a lot of opinions about Belgium, but never that it was someone’s favorite place. That’s really nice to hear :)
^Is ^it ^the ^chocolate? ^Did ^we ^win ^you ^over ^with ^the ^chocolate?
Belgian chocolate really is delicious. Although if I say that it’s the best chocolate, the Swiss people are gonna raid my house.
Let’s just say that Switzerland and Belgium are tied for having the best chocolate.
But in all honesty, many countries in Europe have the simple “one ethnicity, one language” at least for the most part. For example, in Germany there are Germans who speak German. In Estonia there are Estonians who speak Estonian. Minor ethnic communities and languages certainly exist in these places, but that’s what they are; minor. They don’t influence the country they live in that much.
Switzerland does have a linguistic divide, but this is all for the sake of neutrality, and nobody really identifies as anything other than Swiss. Belgium on the other hand is a political mess where everything is essentially split between French and Dutch, everyone identifies as Belgian AND as Walloon/Flemish, sometimes only one and sometimes only the other, but mostly both. And then there’s Brussels, where both sides have control. No other country has the balls to do something like this, and I love Belgium because of it, it kinda makes it unique in a way.
I know that for some, Belgium sucks because of this, but I’m a weird person who likes weird things. Everything is so fun when you decide to spice up the way the country is run.
I thought this would be Dominic the Donkey
Here in Mexico and some parts of LATAM we celebrate Día de los Reyes Magos which is a recalling of the Three Kings visiting baby Jesus, bearing gifts on Jan 6th.
Kids are also supposed to leave their shoes under the Xmas tree and in then when they wake up in the morning, there are some candies and sometimes gifts inside them.
We also cut a big, circular bread called “Rosca de Reyes” that has some small plastic baby Jesus inside, if you are cutting your slice and you get a baby Jesus, you have to buy the tamales for the Feb 2nd celebration, Día de la Candelaria.
While the plastic baby Jesus is supposed to be held with respect because catholicism and stuff, a lot of kids normally throw it away, play with it or sometimes burn it, sometimes you are cutting your slice and you “accidentally” cut thru it too.
Moms and grandmas have a chancla nearby for enforcing peace.
Okay but I friggen love the candied klompen. Definitely gonna have to grab a few if I ever get a chance to visit Belgium!
In Finland, during winter, we enjoy making wide openings into an icy lake near the shore, and go swimming in it. Best translation I can find is ice swimming. This is usually paired with a piping hot sauna, and you alternate between the 80-100 celcius hot room and taking dips in the ice water. If no lake/similar body of water is available, rolling around naked in snow is also a valid option.
We do that in Michigan too but it’s to punish people who commit crimes against fashion
and translation is not necessary, here in Russia we call such people (swimming in an ice hole in winter) simply: walrus
I remember this is also a cooking style called blanching.
or in this case, reverse blanching? – cold first, then hot.
We call that a polar bear plunge in North America, not sure if the sauna is involved though
Shit I’m down to try that.
Here’s a few:
- Our national animal is a Unicorn
- We are oddly proud of our tap water being drinkable
- We have nearly 800 islands
- The saltire (our flag) is the oldest in the world allegedly, from 8th century
- Despite being part of the bigger country of United Kingdom, Scotland has its own entirely separate legal and education systems.
There are broadly 150 indigenous language groups but only about 14 are still in common use.
If you’ve worked for a single company/system for 7 years you get a bonus 6 weeks ‘long-service’ leave.
We have a native cherry that grows inside out called a cherry ballart.
Our cuisine is really varied depending on your geography with a lot of soth East Asian influences. Most people will make stir-fry reasonably often and we have our own variations of sushi and dim sum which would offend most Japanese or Chinese people.
Oddly, the long service leave varies from state to state/territory. One state gives 6 weeks at 7 years, another gives 12 weeks at 10 years.
We moved country earlier this year, and my wife misses “dim sims”. Truely unique
Aight, my geography isn’t heaps great, but I do vaguely remember a Southeast Asian nation with tons of indigenous languages. Shot in the dark, one of the archipelago nations?
The cherry ballart sounds neat! So I take it ya crack 'em open to get the fleshy juicy goodness inside?
Australia. Here’s a tidbit on the cherry ballart.
Aw derp, not even close xD Much love to yer folks and country from here in the States! Always had love for Aussie slang and y’all’s shortening of half the English language.
South Africa has 11 official languages and some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet.
All the South African folks I’ve met working in tourism had been absolutely lovely! Just a joy to talk with. Last time we had a South African gal I managed to blindside her with an unexpected Tot Ziens as she went to leave the gift shop, and we wound up just chatting for a good while. Coincidentally that was the day me and a coworker were talking coins, and it just so happened I had my Rand coin with me that day. Seeing one of those this far away from her home was uncanny for her.
That’s what it is. I’ve always been able to tell a distinct difference between the British English accent, and the South African English accent, even though they’re almost identical. You speak English with a happy accent.
Genuine question here from a place of interest, what do you count as a British Accent? Is there like an actor or someone with an example?
I’m Scottish and for such a wee country (meaning both Scotland and also the UK) we have such a wide variety of accents I am always interested when someone says ‘British Accent’ as the difference between south Wales to Newcastle to Essex to Aberdeen are chalk and cheese to me.
Oh, well we don’t get to compare those accents much. Trevor Noah when he first started playing in the US had a very clear South African English accent as opposed to now when he sounds a lot more American. John Oliver is who I think of for a classic “British” accent, but having never visited the islands, I wouldn’t know the difference between a Yorkshire accent and a London accent, and as I understand it, London even has multiple accents
But there’s a distinct tonal shift between Brits and South Africans. The SA English speakers are more high pitched and variable in their tonality making them sound “happy.” The British English accent is more monotone to my ear, which sounds “mildly depressed, just waiting for the rain to stop for two days in the summer.” Which is extremely English.
Forgot to reply to this but if you want a real depressing UK accent check out Brummies, messing folks from Birmingham. Another level of depressed!
Sejm RP youtube channel (basically parliamant) recently got 600k subscribers and live streams have over 1M views
Huh, interesting! I take it Polish folks are generally more widely engaged in politics?
Not at all. Just after 8 years of Right wing party (PiS) lost the elections in october to Left wing coalition. Right now everyone wants to see the fulfillment of promises and reapair of all the things that they broke.
Also it is extremely funny to watch grown ass men in suits fight with fire extinguishers
The current Marshal of the Sejm is a showman. He was a host of the Polish version of Got Talent. He often says funny retorts and is less uptight than other Marshals. Some even call the live stream “Sejmflix” now.
But also members of the previous ruling party, PiS, are like… super stupid. I don’t know if populist parties are like that everywhere, but PiS politicians often say things so ridiculous, that they are just funny. Well, they weren’t so funny, when they had a majority.
Most slavic languages probably don’t have spelling contests - what you say has mostly exact textual representation, except some letters that can sound alike when spoken.
The more I learn about other languages the more I realize that most languages do that. English probably also did that before it became mixed with french
English spelling wasn’t even remotely standardized at that time. So phonetic was pretty much all there was
Very interesting! I vaguely recall having once seen an infographic explaining how to read cryllic in very little time ages ago, and if it’s that rigid with pronunciations and such I can see it being that easy to pick up.
As opposed to English, where you might cough and hiccough while the borough’s favorite dough-maker ploughs through the field.
This website has maps of how french words are pronounced differently depending on where people live, sometimes the words aren’t even the same but still refer to the same thing!
Of course it’s only interesting if you’re into french language haha
I don’t actively look it up much but linguistics is a seriously fascinating thing. We’ve invented not just one seriously complicated and complex series of grunts and noises to communicate everything from immediate danger to the craziest of dadaist humor, but thousands of them - and the vast majority have little enough similarities to one another that dedicated translation services are necessary. Humans can do some really cool stuff.