Trump announces $500B funding for Stargate AI project following Biden executive order on AI safety - Collaboration between OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle. #technology
Your taxes, straight into the pockets of Sam Altman and Larry Ellison.
Big Tech dug a trillion dollar money pit, so obviously now their stooge has to fill it up with your money.
Jesus fucking christ. Only four more years. I hope.
Watch them get rid of 22nd ammendment before project 2025 is done.
I’ve been worrying about that for a while now.
Not likely, the idiots that voted for this are still out there, and they didn’t learn from the last time either.
They’re building an AI Stasi.
Trump is an investor, not a president.
No, he isn’t. He’s a scam artist and a con man. Always has been,and barely ever hid it.
Every single thing Trump does is about the grift.
500 billion… of H1B1 visas. Great work, MAGAs.
When has AI been for the benefit of the people more then a trinket to toy with.
It will benefit companies to streamline workflow (replace employees) and lock in patents at an alarming rate. Calling “First!” will cement decades of profit.
Oh, and don’t forget behavioral training. You thought invasive ads were bad now…
Fun times ahead! 😁
Doesn’t seem like any funding was actually committed to anything at all by anyone.
The money will disappear into a hole, just like it does every time the US government invests into tech
Better than Biden would do. He would give all 500 billion to Ukraine.
Most Ukraine funding is actually in the form of weapons, most of which have been sitting in warehouses in case of war with Russia. Now they get used before going obsolete and the US’s #1 rival is quickly becoming irrelevant without putting US soldiers at risk. We provide the weapons and Ukraine supplies the soldiers. I think we got the better side of that bargain.
This whole idea that the US is spending money abroad out of some kind of altruism or that we just let other countries take advantage is preposterous. It’s always money spent in furtherance of US interests. We are the wealthiest country in the world in large part because we exploit the labor and resources of the rest of the planet.
In addition, none of that money ever leaves the U.S. If $500 billion gets spent supporting Ukraine, that’s $500 billion that goes from Congress over to U.S. manufacturers, who create the supplies and then ship those over to Ukraine. The money goes straight back into the U.S. economy. (People can complain about it going mostly to arms manufacturers, but in this particular instance I feel like helping a friendly country protect itself from a hostile invading force is a pretty good use of that money)
We could get a lot more benefit if we spent that money on building infrastructure instead of blowing shit up, but I still agree. Doing the right thing and US interests aligning doesn’t seem to happen very often. I think we have to act when they do.